El Adem, 13-14 de Abril 1941.
La persecución de la 9th División Australiana por el AfricaKorps fue
detenida abruptamente el 11 de Abril.En ese día,las t...
Filament Fighers Preview
Dodge ambulance, WWII US Army.
Cadillac staff car, 1930 US Army.
Cadillac staff car, 1942 US Army.
M1 Combat Car, 1938, US Army.
These are some of the Fi...
SAGA Night-Seljuks vs JomsVikings
On our last club SAGA Night I played against Helge's Jomsvikings. We used
the chaos method to set up and Helge was the active player. He placed just
2 f...
Novedades en Rol!
Prepárate para perderte en un mundo surgido de tu propia imaginación y
regido por las reglas que contiene este libro. Colostle es un juego de ...
On the Workbench - October 2025
Not bad progress in October, excepting the 3D printing, which I must get
started on before the temperature gets colder. As for painting I plan to
work on. ...
Jean Campaign – Day Four
*Campaign Map*
Main French depot at Hellin – 48 days supplies
French attack Alcaudete
Guerrilla brigades active
13th French army – rally and resuppl...
BMC/Americana kit-bash
This winter I'll continue working on three conversions of those versatile
BMC/Americana Civil War structures. I'll be making another barn, a house,
and ...
Autobús de línia
Countryside omnibus Minairons, escala 1/72 (=20mm) Això d'avui és el
prototip d'un model de vehicle civil que ben aviat treuré al mercat sota la
meva marca...
The Next Project - Crimea 1854
A long while ago, when Covid was keeping us all in the house, I posted some
photographs of a few test figures for a, then potential, new project. Fast
Fragile 60 year old Airfix Chicken Legs
The idea originally was to paint up just a couple of farm animals as
scenery for some projects.
Enthusiasm got the better of me as I started to dig throu...
Merry Christmas 2023 and Always
This painting arrived as a Christmas card a few days ago. It is the most
beautiful depiction of love and adoration of Jesus by heavenly angels and
Tallarn troops for the Imperium!! these are 3d scans of the original metal
miniatures I got from a friendly guy on facebook. scaled down to 20mm scale.
Evasión en Atenea
En Evasión en Atenea un grupo de soldados idean escaparse de una prisión
nazi en grecia, añadiendo que quieren hacerlo, robando un tesoro antiguo
griego ...
8 Rads - Gotta love ‘em #1
So, one of the most popular builds I’ve done, in all scales, is by far the
Sdkfz 234/2 ( commonly, but disputed, aka Puma), so with another queued up,
326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes
Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The
Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King
Zvezda 1:100 Sd.Kfz. 222
A closer look at Zvezdas 1:100 Sd.Kfz.222 for their "Art Of Tactic"
wargame. As I mentioned in earlier posts, the use for this model is not
limited to th...
La fantasía es el crisol en el que se forjan las historias más heroicas. En
estos mundos, un simple bárbaro puede convertirse en rey, un antiguo
Having another go at Chain of Command
After almost a year of unvoluntary hiatus, I’m quite happy to post a game
report – this time around L. and I managed to find some time and play some...
Boarding Parties
A couple of stands to represent RN boarding parties or sailors with
small-arms put ashore
For CD3 the count as 'other' so of limited use, expecting spec...
Stalingrad Pt5: Combined Ops
After a seemingly refreshing break from the bloggasphere, Stalingrad is
back! While the previous games had been some classic infantry attacks, we
noted ...
20 bahaya radiasi HP kamu harus tau
Bahaya radiasi Hp bagi kesehatan tubuh merupakan dampak buruk dari
penggunaan ponsel yang tidak benar dan tidak mengenal batas waktu.
Hp memiliki gelomban...
How to make: Saxon Huts
Hi Chaps,
Hope you are all well.
These past few days, I've been working on some new projects, for a new
game, that I think you already know, it is called...
Musica En Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires es una de las capitales culturales de Latinoamerica y el
mundo, y como tal tiene varios Festivales y ciclos musicales que queremos
*E*l 19 de julio, en Feltre, cerca de Venecia, se celebró una importante
conferencia entre dos de los líderes del Eje, Hitler y Mussolini. El
primero lle...
Second World War comparisons on "World War 20mm"
Piers Brand has recently posted a side by side shot of several figures
painted in his inimitable style. They represent a number of different 20mm
metal ma...
As Máquinas da II Guerra Mundial
Os avanços na aviação militar resultam em aeronaves completamente
computadorizadas.Tudo que você sempre quis saber sobre as aeronaves
Steamy Travel Trunk
I came up on an ugly, beat up old foot locker at a thrift store for $5. It
was fugly... blue and purple fake leather... but it had promise. After
buffing o...
I brought Winston Churchill's biography of his most famous ancestor with me
to France in an effort to finally get through it.
I've managed to get most of t...
Pengalaman ketika ingin mencium Hajar aswad
*Trik untuk mencium Hajar Aswad adalah untuk bergabung dengan antrian
10-15 menit sebelum azan untuk Asar. *
mengapa saya tidak membaca tips ini sebelumn...
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