El Adem, 13-14 de Abril 1941.
La persecución de la 9th División Australiana por el AfricaKorps fue
detenida abruptamente el 11 de Abril.En ese día,las t...
Battle of Guam: little grass shack
To set the tone, let's give a listen to Don Ho singing My Little Grass
The years-long Battle of Gu...
A new robot addition to the collection.
While having breakfast at a local Cracker Barrel restaurant, I found this
in the gift shop.
It is Red Rocker and Bl...
Jean Campaign – Day Eight
*Campaign Map*
Main French depot at Hellin – 9 days supplies
Spanish occupy Huelma
Spanish attack Ubeda
French retreat to Mortalalla
French attack Li...
Five Men in Normandy - Holding at Varaville
I really enjoyed the first game I played in this campaign. So I very much
wanted to follow up with a second game while at least SOME of the rules
were fr...
1/72 Portuguese Cacadores
Hi guys
Nearly finished my first 1/72 Napoleonic unit for the year, I’m
concentrating on the Peninsulsr war first, and have started with
Portuguese, an...
Napoleonic Prussian Kuirassiers 1813-14
For years I have managed with using converted Airfix French Cuirassiers as
Prussian Kuirassiers, but I've always hoped that someone would produce
them. I s...
Munitionschlepper Wespe
I am fortunate enough to already own two 1/48 scale Wespe SP guns, so when
I found I have a (part built) kit of a third I decided to build it as an
Kato Kiyomasa
My primary hero for my Midgard warband will be Kato Kiyomasa. If interested
click on the link which will bring you to his Wikipedia entry.
Baby Jesus!
The reason for the Christmas Season
and the rest of our lives.
He quietly grew....
Into a carpenter to build a planetary way of life and.....
A New Project Takes the Field
My first outing with a new project. It's not finished and there's still a
lot of lead to paint (an awful lot) but at least there is enough for a
decent ...
Autobús de línia
Countryside omnibus Minairons, escala 1/72 (=20mm) Això d'avui és el
prototip d'un model de vehicle civil que ben aviat treuré al mercat sota la
meva marca...
Fragile 60 year old Airfix Chicken Legs
The idea originally was to paint up just a couple of farm animals as
scenery for some projects.
Enthusiasm got the better of me as I started to dig throu...
Tallarn troops for the Imperium!! these are 3d scans of the original metal
miniatures I got from a friendly guy on facebook. scaled down to 20mm scale.
Evasión en Atenea
En Evasión en Atenea un grupo de soldados idean escaparse de una prisión
nazi en grecia, añadiendo que quieren hacerlo, robando un tesoro antiguo
griego ...
326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes
Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The
Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King
TANKS The Modern Age Battle At The Crashsite
After the last battles were lost by the NATO, their morale got low and some
US troops deserted and tried to reach France, but the French army will not
Old School Transport
This one has been around a while, no major mods by me, bar adding the
reigns. Had a disaster with the picture session, but you'll get the idea!
Neil, all...
Two for the price of one–Part two
And since we’re on the topic of plastic kits, here’s the last build of
2017. This little fighter is another favorite of mine, mostly because of
the way i...
WIP: German Calvary
While things have been quiet on the posting front, things have actually
been limping along in the background.
Most of my efforts have been going on label...
20 bahaya radiasi HP kamu harus tau
Bahaya radiasi Hp bagi kesehatan tubuh merupakan dampak buruk dari
penggunaan ponsel yang tidak benar dan tidak mengenal batas waktu.
Hp memiliki gelomban...
Reglas básicas de la Serie Fleet (vídeo)
Últimamente me ha dado un hype con la serie "fleet" de victory games, una
serie de juegos de los 80 que representaban batallas navales contemporáneas
a una...
Emhar Set 7206 Saxon Warriors
Hi chaps!
Just a quick update in my blog.
Some figures, from Emhar's excellent set (Saxon Warriors), I recently
The colour variation is not ver...
Nazionali Riccione
eccomi in azione sui 5000mecco dall'alto la foto dei 4 piu' piccoli del
gruppo :da sinistra Riccardo,andrea,marco e manalecco la foto con tutti gli
Second World War comparisons on "World War 20mm"
Piers Brand has recently posted a side by side shot of several figures
painted in his inimitable style. They represent a number of different 20mm
metal ma...
The PzKpfw III: Lord of the Blitzkrieg
Technically the PzKpfw III was, despite minor faults, a well-balanced basic
design which left provision for up-gunning and up-armouring, but by 1942 it
As Máquinas da II Guerra Mundial
Os avanços na aviação militar resultam em aeronaves completamente
computadorizadas.Tudo que você sempre quis saber sobre as aeronaves
Leather Holsters
Over the summer I started playing around with making holsters and such from
raw leather. These were the first ones I made (after the holster that goes
I brought Winston Churchill's biography of his most famous ancestor with me
to France in an effort to finally get through it.
I've managed to get most of t...
Pengalaman ketika ingin mencium Hajar aswad
*Trik untuk mencium Hajar Aswad adalah untuk bergabung dengan antrian
10-15 menit sebelum azan untuk Asar. *
mengapa saya tidak membaca tips ini sebelumn...